Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Breakdown of Twitter, Google, Facebook Employees' Midterm Donations Shows Stunning Bias - Banned Video From The InfoWars Army Twitter Account: Corrupt Massachusetts Police Kick Out And Strangle Shiva Supporters. Fascist Elizabeth Warren Cops Rig Debates in Massachusetts

Breakdown of Twitter, Google, Facebook Employees' Midterm Donations Shows Stunning BiasPresident Trump has repeatedly called out Google, Facebook and Twitter for liberal bias. Two weeks until the midterms, it would appear he may have had a point.Fox

Breakdown of Twitter, Google, Facebook Employees' Midterm Donations Shows Stunning Bias - Banned Video From The InfoWars Army Twitter Account: Corrupt Massachusetts Police Kick Out And Strangle Shiva Supporters. Fascist Elizabeth Warren Cops Rig Debates in Massachusetts

Elizabeth Warren, Stormy Daniels, Kathy Griffin - and Modern Women!

Elizabeth Warren, Stormy Daniels, Kathy Griffin - and Modern Women!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Monday, October 15, 2018

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren FAILS Her DNA Test! (REACTION) - BREAKING: Boston Globe Retracts Elizabeth Warren “Native American” Ancestry Claim. Analysis Reveals She Is One Of Whitest In US

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren FAILS Her DNA Test! (REACTION) - BREAKING: Boston Globe Retracts Elizabeth Warren “Native American” Ancestry Claim. Analysis Reveals She Is One Of Whitest In US

Daily Beast Declares Elizabeth Warren Native American for Possible Ancestor Multiple Centuries Ago

Daily Beast Declares Elizabeth Warren Native American for Possible Ancestor Multiple Centuries Ago

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Kavanaugh Smear Job Is Falling Apart and the Senate Owes Him an Apology - ELIZABETH WARREN USES ALLEGED BRETT KAVANAUGH VICTIM’S STORY TO RAISE CASH


Politics at its lowest

To exploit an allegation of sexual assault for fundraising purposes is politics at its lowest and no one goes lower than Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Christine Blasey Ford accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were both in high school, and Warren saw dollar signs.
Out went the fundraising email blast: “This is outrageous. Brett Kavanaugh was already disqualified to serve on the Supreme Court. But now we’re learning new information about a sexual assault allegation.”


Stefan Molyneux: What Pisses Me Off About The Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Accusations

Stefan Molyneux: What Pisses Me Off About The Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Accusations

Friday, July 6, 2018

HAHA! Trump Just CRUSHED Elizabeth Warren With Serious $1Mil Challenge That Sent Her OVER the Edge!

HAHA! Trump Just CRUSHED Elizabeth Warren With Serious $1Mil Challenge That Sent Her OVER the Edge!


Styx: Trumps Montana Rally: Openly Brags About Phenomena I Have Noted For a Year - Trump Continues Attacks Against Media, Democrats - Trump blasts 'Pocahontas' Elizabeth Warren at rally - President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at MASSIVE Rally in Great Falls, Montana July 5, 2018 - Donald Trump Jr. EXPLOSIVE Speech at MASSIVE Rally in Great Falls, Montana July 5, 2018:


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Worst of Elizabeth Warren

The Worst of Elizabeth Warren

"Is She Really a Cherokee Indian??" Tucker Asks a Genealogist to Set the Record Straight

"Is She Really a Cherokee Indian??" Tucker Asks a Genealogist to Set the Record Straight

Cherokee Genealogist Slams Elizabeth Warren

Cherokee Genealogist Slams Elizabeth Warren

Sen. Elizabeth Warren Refuses To Take DNA Test Insists That She Isn’t(VIDEO)!!!

Sen. Elizabeth Warren Refuses To Take DNA Test Insists That She Isn’t(VIDEO)!!!



Liberals Think It's Okay For Bill Maher To Call Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas

Liberals Think It's Okay For Bill Maher To Call Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas

President Trump Lampoons Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren, Left Cries 'Racist'

President Trump Lampoons Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren, Left Cries 'Racist'

Senator Warren Is Protecting The Fed

Senator Warren Is Protecting The Fed

Elizabeth Warren Refuses To Answer Questions From Opponent Candidate

Elizabeth Warren Refuses To Answer Questions From Opponent Candidate

Deep State Uses Political Racketeering To Protect Elizabeth Warren

Deep State Uses Political Racketeering To Protect Elizabeth Warren

Meet the Pro-Trump Nationalist Running Against Elizabeth Warren

Meet the Pro-Trump Nationalist Running Against Elizabeth Warren

Real Indian Takes on Faux-cahontas Elizabeth Warren

Real Indian Takes on Faux-cahontas Elizabeth Warren

EXCLUSIVE: Lab Analysis Shows Photoshopped Trump Picture

The race for Senate in Massachusetts against Elizabeth Warren is heating up. With the primaries quickly approaching, fake Trumpers and never Trumpers are teaming up to take down Shiva For Senate. In a breaking story, Shiva's opponent used a photoshopped picture on social media.

EXCLUSIVE: Lab Analysis Shows Photoshopped Trump Picture

The REAL Indian Shiva Destroys Pocahontas And Blows The New World Order WIDE OPEN

The REAL Indian Shiva Destroys Pocahontas And Blows The New World Order WIDE OPEN

Elizabeth Warren Criticizes Trump, Refuses To Criticize Obama, For Similar Immigration Actions