Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pocohontas takes national lead, worries moderate Dems

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. (Kristopher Radder/The Brattleboro Reformer via AP)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:52 AM PT — Thursday, September 26, 2019
Senator Elizabeth Warren’s new rise in the Democrat Party could mean bad news for Biden, who has managed to maintain his position in first place since throwing his hat in the ring. Warren’s rise in the polls has news pundits saying that it’s now practically a two-way primary race between the former vice president and the Massachusetts senator.If the polls are a good indicator, that prediction may be correct. This would make it a battle between a more moderate candidate and another who seemingly takes pride in far-left policies.Warren and Biden have butted heads in the past. Soon after the former vice president announced his aspirations for the White House, the Massachusetts senator accused Biden of siding with large credit card companies that wanted to scam consumers.“There was nobody to stand up for them. I got in that fight because they just didn’t have anyone and Joe Biden is on the side of the credit card companies. It’s all a matter of public record.”–Sen. Elizabeth WarrenSenator Warren is talking about a spat the two had back in 2005 when she was a professor at Harvard and he was a senator in Congress. The two went toe-to-toe over a bankruptcy bill that Biden supported and Warren said was bad for working families.Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)Polls also suggested that whoever wins the nomination can do it with a small margin, since there are still quite a few candidates who might split the vote. This may explain why many Democrats fear that choosing a more leftist candidate like Elizabeth Warren could backfire in a general election.